Friday, February 6, 2015

ıllıllı ⓟⓞⓛⓐⓡ ⓒⓞⓞⓡⓓⓘⓝⓐⓣⓔⓢ ıllıllı

Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen of Mathland.
Today we will be having a free day among'st ourselves to explore wherever you would like to go. For those who would like to journey with me,  I will be making a delivery to the Singing Flower Garden. Along the way I will be talking about polar coordinates.
Choose wisely young ones.~

Well, lovely to have those of you who joined me for company. I give many thanks.
Now moving along.~ 

Polar equations are quite different from the usual way in graphing. 

Unlike the Cartesian Plane, the Polar Graph's shape is slightly varied. 
While the Cartesian Plane graphs points with the coordinates of (x,y) =, the polar plane graphs points using (r, θ).


However, if one is confused, there are ways to transition between polar to rectangular and rectangular to polar coordinates. 
For polar to rectangular, one uses two equations:

For rectangular to polar:


An important note for the theta, is that if it is greater then zero, then the graph will go counterclockwise, and if the theta is less than a zero, then the graph will go clockwise.


Thank you for accompanying me on my visit to the Singing Flower garden and listening to my lecture.~

Farewell, ladies and gentlemen.
See you soon.~

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