Friday, December 5, 2014

ıllıllı ĹĂŴ ŐŦ ŚĨŃĔ ĂŃĎ ČŐŚĨŃĔ ıllıllı

Welcome back everyone~
Today we will be reviewing the laws of sine and cosine. Between the two laws, I would have to say the Law of Sine is quicker to set up and solve than that of the Law of Cosine.
To start off, the equation for the Law of Sine is:
The large (A) represents the degree of the angle, while the small (a) represents the length of the side. In order to find one of the sides, one would simply just "plug and chug".
On the other hand, the Law of Cosine is a bit more complicated. The equation for this law is shown below:
The cases in which one uses the law of cosine is when one is given three sides with no angles, or two sides and one angle. 
Both of these laws allow for the calculation of finding all of the angle and lengths of a certain triangle - usually ones that are not right angled.
I hope this was helpful.~
See you next time!~